Mrs. Andrea Leahy, Mathematics, writes her agenda for the week. Leahy is Lake Central’s newest geometry teacher.
Q: What school did you teach at before Lake Central?
A: [I taught at] St. Joe in South Bend.
Q: Where did you get your teaching degree?
A: [I got my teaching degree at] Purdue.
Q: How are you liking Lake Central so far?
A: [Lake Central is] awesome [so far].
Q: What were your expectations for Lake Central?
A: [I expected the students and staff] to be really nice.
Q: Why did you want to teach high school students?
A: [The students are] goofy and they’re eager to learn.
Q: Is geometry the only class you teach?
A: Right now, yes, [I only teach geometry].
Q: Why did you want to become a teacher?
A: I had some really good teachers who influenced me [to pursue teaching].
Q: What are your goals for your classes this year?
A: [My goal for this year is] for the kids who put in the effort to be successful.
Q: What are you most excited for this school year?
A: [I’m excited to] get to know as [many] people as I can, [as well as] more students.
Q: Do you have any advice for your new students?
A: Make sure to always do your homework. It’s almost impossible to fail if you always do
your homework.
Q; How do you usually tell the difference between students who struggle with math and students who just don’t try?
A: It shows in your grade. I’ve never had a student who tried fail.
Q: It’s said that if you’re bad at algebra, you’re good at geometry, and vice-versa. What do you think of this concept, and which one were you better at when you were in school?
A: That’s sometimes true. However, there’s a lot of algebra in geometry. People confuse “I like” with “I’m good at” one versus the other. I was probably good at both because I liked math.