Claire D’Angelo (12) is posing for a picture in Lake Central. She has been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses all her life, and it is a very big part of her everyday life.
Q: What religion are you?
A: I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Q: What holidays do you not celebrate?
A: I don’t celebrate holidays like Halloween, Christmas and Easter because they all have pagan origins, and I identify myself as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Q: Is it a religious reason?
A: As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we follow the Bible and the Bible does say that’s really what was significant. Not his birth, not his resurrection, but his death is what we commemorate.
Q: Is your whole family the same religion?
A: Yes
Q: Is there any holidays that you do celebrate?
A: As Jehovah’s Witnesses instead of commemorating Jesus’s birth or his resurrection, the Bible tells us to commemorate his death, which is what we do every year. It’s not really a holiday it’s just kind of a commemoration of his death.
Q: Is there a certain day that you celebrate that on?
A: It usually lies around March or April.
Q: What is the name of that day?
A: We refer to it as the memorial of Christ’s death, and it’s when we all gather and remember the day that he died, because that’s really what is significant about what Jesus Christ did.
Q: Do you celebrate birthdays?
A: I don’t.
Q: Can you go to someone else’s birthday party or another holiday celebration?
A: There’s nothing wrong with parties in general but if their theme is whatever holiday it
is then I wouldn’t go because of those reasons.
Q: Is it hard not celebrating big holidays?
A:Honestly knowing the true meaning behind the holidays, I’m not really tempted to celebrate it because I know the meaning behind it.