Freshman shows mark an end for 2013-14 performances

Joey Pavell and Joey Pavell

Usually, upperclassmen are the ones taking center stage during a big performance. Every year, however, it is made a priority to give the underclassmen their spotlight. On Wednesday, April 30, the first performance of the freshman plays took place in the LGI room.

The night consisted of four, single act plays; “Superhero Support Group,” “4 a.m.,” “The First Date” and “Cave Dream.” All four plays were directed by upperclassmen.  The plays dealt with issues teenagers normally face in everyday life such as finding a purpose inside of them, finding someone to connect with, dating and working together in a group.

“[Being in a play] was a fun time. I liked it just as much as the fall musical show. I thought this was a good way to get started with theater [at Lake Central] even though I have been involved in other shows. I liked being directed by my peers,” William Kruzan (9) said.

Due to the recent demolition of the auditorium, space was limited. The plays were held inside of the LGI room, which is nearly half the size of the former auditorium.

“[Performing in the LGI] worked out fine. I’m pretty used to working on a small stage back at [Clark Middle School], so it wasn’t that big of a deal for me. I bet it was a little weird to the directors because they are so used to a bigger auditorium,” Parker Danner (9) said.

These plays marked the end for plays for the 2013-14 school year, with the exception of the upcoming summer show. If any students are interested in joining theater, make sure to listen for future announcements regarding call-out meetings.

“[If you are interested in theater], go for it. It is really fun, and you will enjoy it a lot. There are no mean people, and it is very fun,” Christine Kutka (9) said.