Lake Central’s JV boys soccer team faced off against Michigan City on Wednesday, Aug. 27 at home for their fifth game. They led the whole game and won with a final score of 6-0, which made them still undefeated.
“We won 6-0 but we should have put up way more chances,” Michael Zubeck (10) said, ”JV is already playing good and we got a break now, so we’ll recover and work on what we need to improve on and we’ll come back stronger,”
The boys finished the first half of the game with three goals and the motivation to keep scoring.
“We played really good, we possessed the ball and scored a lot. Our touches can get a lot better though,” Jacob Galvan (11) said.
The crowd was filled with families, students and other soccer players who cheered on the boys the whole time. The Lake Central girls soccer players also support of the boys at every game.
“I think it is cool watching them be able to win by so much,” Morgan Clapman (10) said, “Me and my friends come to watch every game.”
The boys’ next game is at home on Wednesday, Sept. 3 at 5 p.m. against Portage.