Q: Where did you teach before you came here?
A: Munster.
Q: How long have you been teaching?
A: This is my second year.
Q: What type of schedule did your previous school have?
A: Traditional
Q: What advantages did that type of schedule have over the block-matrix schedule?
A: I think the biggest advantage of traditional over block-matrix is you get to see students every day. It’s easier to forget material [with the matrix schedule]. With traditional, you’re doing one lesson a day instead of two.
Q: What do you like about having longer class periods?
A: One nice thing is that all my labs will get done.
Q: What are some of the negatives to long class periods?
A: I think 90 minutes of one class period is tiresome. It’s easier to zone out. I always want [the students] to get up and move somehow.
Q: What do you like about matrix?
A: It can be used as a review.
Q: What do you dislike about matrix?
A: I think it’s really easy to get classes really far ahead. Students become almost restless if you do just a movie or a project.