Q: “What got you into playing music?”
A: “Ever since I was three I wanted to play guitar.”
Q: “Why did you choose guitar?”
A: “My grandpa played guitar and I thought it was cool.”
Q: “When did you start playing?”
A: “When I was five.”
Q: “What inspires you to play?”
A: “The feeling of playing in front of people and the bands and music in general, I love it.”
Q: “Who is your biggest supporter?”
A: “My family, my mom has always supported me and helped me get shows and gigs.”
Q: “Do you plan on making a career out of playing?”
A: “I’m going to do my best.”
Q: “Who got you into playing guitar?”
A: “It’s just something that I always wanted to do.”
Q: “What’s your favorite type of music to play?”
A: “The Blues, Rock, Alternative, and all that type of stuff.”
Q: “Do you write your own music?”
A: “Yes, and I sing.”
Q: “What do you get out of playing?”
A: “It just feels good.”