ABC has produced the show “The Bachelor” for 20 seasons. This season, the Bachelor is Ben Higgins, a small town guy from Warsaw, Ind.
“The show [The Bachelor] portrays that it is tough to find the right person for you, and sometimes you need a little help [doing it]. It also shows that if you wait and be patient, the right person will eventually come to you,” Emily Trichak (12) said.
The season starts off with 28 women and, as the weeks progress, the Bachelor gets to experience group dates and one-on-ones to help him choose which girls he feels a connection with. A rose ceremony occurs each week as well, in which the bachelor stands up in front of all the women and calls each girl’s name he wants to stay, asking if they would accept the rose and the chance to continue their journey together.
“I like to watch [The Bachelor] because of the drama. I think if you get a good bachelor then you can find real love because they actually have their mind set on looking for a wife, not just partying,” Tabitha Burrink (11) said.
Dating multiple women at one time is not orthodox in society today, but in this show is done to help find the meaning of true love. The show airs Monday nights at 8 p.m.