Students interested in cheerleading attended a meeting in the Town Square on March 3. Coaches Joan Loden, Math, and John Powers led the meeting to inform parents and students about what it means to be in cheerleading.
“At tryouts I assume that they come prepared, especially my girls [who] have cheered with me in the past. I’m going to be looking for [them] to show me that they’ve been working hard and they’ve tried to improve their skills. There are only certain things we’re looking for to make that varsity team. If they can’t perform those skills, they’re obviously going to make the [JV] or freshman team. During the year, we hold them to the same standards. Whatever they perform for us at tryouts, they’re expected to perform that minimally,” Coach Loden said.
Cheerleaders from past seasons must try out again before being accepted for next year. Students trying out for next year are able to attend open gym sessions on March 10 and March 15 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
“I like the social part, making new friends and being a big part of the school games. I really do love the sport. I love being with all the girls who will stay with it and making new friends and experiences,” Madeline Mills (9) said.