Lake Central will be partnering with Great Lakes Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, P.C. to host the first annual physical night on April 21. Appointments must be made through the athletic office before April 14 so students can participate from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Students must bring the $25 fee to the nurse’s office.
“[The students] will be able to enter door C,” Mr. Christopher Enyeart, Athletic Director, said.
Physical night was brought about to eliminate last minute rushing and late white card turn-ins. Students can get this requirement out of the way and not worry about getting to a doctor’s appointment over the summer.
“It kind of gives everybody the opportunity to get it done now because what we noticed is that the longer you wait, the closer it gets to the season and then kids start forgetting this aspect,” Mr. Enyeart said. “It’s required, but either they’re rushing to see a doctor or are trying to get into a doctor at the last minute. It gives them that chance to get it over with a year ahead of time.”
Instead of printing a 19 page participation packet for each athlete, the form will be available online for easy access.
“The whole participation packet is going online. We will no longer be doing the paperwork copy. We’re going to be utilizing a company named Family ID and we’re finishing that right now,” Enyeart said. “Everything will be done online besides the one page doctor’s portion that needs to be completed by the physician.”
Contact the athletic office for any further questions.