Jordan Sprague (10) spent his Thanksgiving break in Utica, N. Y. to be with family and celebrate the holiday.
“My grandpa is getting sick and my family wanted to spend time with my grandparents since we haven’t gone to New York a lot due to it being so far,” Sprauge said.
Sprague spent a majority of his childhood not seeing his grandparents because of the distance between them. He has traveled twice to visit his grandparents for Thanksgiving.
“I like traveling because it gave me time to see my grandparents, who I’ve grown up without seeing at all,” Sprague said.
Sprague celebrated Thanksgiving with an assortment of family members he only gets to see once in awhile. As most people can imagine, this Thanksgiving was a heartwarming experience for Sprague and his family.
“My family doesn’t really have any special Thanksgiving traditions. We just eat the stereotypical Thanksgiving dinner and pie,” Sprague said.