On Friday, Dec. 16, the Lake Central Library hosted a distress lab before the stress of finals arrived. This lab is meant for anyone who has major anxiety when taking tests or who just wants to relax while partaking in fun activities.
“I think the distress event is good for students to relieve stress because everyone is stressing over finals. It helps me because I had a final, and I took it in 45 minutes,” Giovanna Martin (10) said.
The library had two rooms set up for students to explore. In one room, there was a ‘create your own stress ball’ station, therapeutic coloring and shake up jars. In the other room, students were able to interact with dogs and take pictures.
“I love dogs so much and I don’t have pets at home. Pets always seem to distress me. The dogs relieve stress in finals week because everyone is stressed out,” Hannah Sako (11) said.
This lab has helped many students while dealing with the stress of tests. The lab will be around during both winter and spring finals and is open to anyone who needs a mental load-off.