As the new year begins, the process of switching to seat belt-equipped buses begins. These new buses have three belts per seat, each of which goes across both the lap and shoulder.
“Currently the way they’re manufactured without them, they are the safest mode of transportation on the road, but that additional safety piece is beneficial to our students,” Christian Flores, Director of Transportation said.
As of now, there is no law requiring the implementation of seat belts on school buses, but in anticipation of a law being made, the corporation bus fleet will slowly be replaced with those with seat belts.
“We typically get rid of the buses that are 12 years old. As we purchase new buses, we will buy ones that will be equipped with seat belts,” Flores said.
Even though it may have seemed a bit strange to students to have these seat belts, compliance and approval of this change has been high, though some students were slightly hesitant with their implementation.
“I did not want the seat belts because it was more comfortable without them, but if we do get into a bad accident and the belts do help. I’ll be thankful for that,” Brendon Tomky (10) said.
Regardless of some students’ concerns about the protection provided, students have been following the new expectations in the fullest.
“The drivers have been really satisfied with the students complying with the initiative. I have not had one driver complain that students weren’t following through,” Flores said.