After a win with a final score of 46-16, the boys freshman basketball team keep their heads up high going into the rest of the season. The boys had a successful game, but their victory couldn’t haven’t been reached if it weren’t from the guidance from their coaches.
“I like our coaches. They are very respectful, and they push [us] to our limits. Sometimes it gets frustrating [but] it helps us get better for ourselves and the games,” Douglas Loden (9) said.
The players have to go through many practices that are full of hard work and take a lot of dedication. Staying positive isn’t always easy, but the players can improve each and every year they play in that specific area.
“I absolutely plan on playing next year. I love every coach. I’ve gained a good relationship with each one,” Kyle Blum (9) said.
The strong relationships the boys share allow them to get through just about anything they encounter.
“We all have close bonds with each other from playing together since like fifth grade,” Brian Calligan (9) said.
The team’s record has stayed strong through the difficulties the team has faced and that can be contributed to the relationship they have.
“The season is going pretty good being 12-5 with some of our good players being injured,” Brian Calligan (9) said.
The boys have been fighting all season and will continue to try to improve their record every game.