On Wednesday Feb. 1, the Lake Central West Lake basketball team took on Lowell. The team started off the season with a final score of 51-20
“Our season is going pretty good, and we won our first game,” Antonio Gonzalez (12) said.
West Lake give special needs kids the opportunity to play other special needs kids in different sports like basketball in the winter and baseball and track in the summer.
“Just coming out here and playing basketball for an hour, [the kids] love it. They love all the support we give them. [Being able to] get away from their everyday stuff, coming to practice and going to the games and everything,” Nicholas Lucas (12) said.
While the kids are on the court playing as hard as they can and having fun, the coaches are alongside them.
“Being the coach of them is very humbling. I like to give back to them and help them be the best people they can be. Seeing them all happy and smiling and jumping around, it makes me happy,” Lucas said.
These kids come out here about every Wednesday from this week on to play basketball and have the time of their lives.
“They are always ready to play, and they are always the happiest kids I’ve ever seen. They are doing awesome and having fun and that’s all that matters [to us],” Gonzalez said.