Q: What’s your favorite thing about Winter Guard?
A: You get the chance to bond with people and become friends with upperclassmen.
Q: How has Winter Guard changed your life?
A: It’s made me stronger and it gave me the opportunity to something that’s not easy.
Q: How do you balance practices and competitions with school work?
A: I do my homework before I go to practice or competitions, so that when I get home I can just go to bed.
Q: How was your first year of Winter Guard?
A: It was very difficult because I had to learn everything and it didn’t come easy to me.
Q: How do you face the difficulties of learning a new toss or routine?
A: I ask for help and clarification so that I can understand it better.
Q: What are competitions like?
A: They’re really scary at first because you don’t know how many people are going to be there, but they’re really fun at the same time.
Q: What time do you end up going to bed on a night when you have a practice and schoolwork?
A: I normally go to bed around 10:30 [p.m.] when I have practice and homework.
Q: How often do you practice?
A: We practice every Monday and Thursday from 5:00 to 9:00 [p.m.], and on Saturdays from 12:00 to 9:00 [p.m.].
Q: What do you want your future in Winter Guard to be like?
A: I want to be able to join the weapon line and to teach new people things I learned and struggled with when I was a freshman.
Q: Do you feel like Winter Guard is treated the same as the other sports?
A: We’re treated the same, but I feel like we practice way more than the other sports. I think we should practice less.