Q: What made you want to dance for Lake Central?
A: Starting the dance team in 7th grade. I always looked up to the older girls and wanted to be like them.
Q: Why and when did you stop?
A: I stopped beginning of sophomore year to focus on school more.
Q: Do you miss any part of the program and dancing?
A: Yes, I miss the actual dancing part because it’s what I love to do.
Q: What was the hardest part about leaving the sport?
A: Knowing I wouldn’t be at the studio every day anymore with some of my closest friends was the hardest [part].
Q: Do you think you will ever try a different sport?
A: No, if anything I’ll dance somewhere in the summer.
Q: Do you have a lot more free time now that you’re not involved with dance? If so, how do you spend it?
A: Yes, [I have] so much free time. I get my homework done way earlier and have time to spend more time with my family and friends on Friday and the weekends.
Q: Do you think dancing took a toll on your grades?
A: Yes it did. It’s hard to get used to at first and have time management which was why I had to stop.
Q: Now that you’re not dancing anymore, have your grades improved?
A: Yes, they’ve improved so much because [I am] able to go to tutoring after school and get extra help when I need.
Q: If you had the chance would you go back?
A: Yes, I would for sure, probably not competitively but I would dance again for free time and take classes.