On Friday, May 12, Harry Styles, former member of One Direction, dropped his self-titled solo album. The album, which is currently number one in 84 countries, has received mixed reviews from not only former ‘Directioners’, but also new listeners.
“I haven’t listened to One Direction music in forever because I felt like I grew out of it. I wasn’t expected to enjoy Harry’s music so much. When I first heard his new song, I didn’t know who was singing it and when I found out was surprised I liked it so much,” Ana Zanza (12) said.
With his ten track album, Style’s made sure every song would put his filtered One Direction days in the past.
“I think his music is so much different than the band’s music together. His solo album makes you see the parts of him that were overshadowed by the other members in the band. It’s great that he gets to make his own decisions now and create music that expresses himself,” Kristina Almeida (12) said.
While some fans were nervous to discover if they would still enjoy Styles’ solo, others couldn’t wait to hear it.
“I was very excited and had a hard time waiting for it to be released. [I wasn’t nervous] at all. I knew I would love it because it’s him. I knew what kind of music he would put out and I was just ready to hear it,” Rachel Furmanek (12) said.
Although it seemed like every fan was excited for Styles’ new music, some still prefer his old music.
“I’m definitely still stuck on his music while in One Direction. His new music has some songs that have stuck with me, but it’s too different for my music taste,” Kylee Freckelton (12) said.
With overwhelming response to his first two singles, “Sign of the Times” and “Sweet Creature,” fans are hoping that their favorite will become his next new single.
“I’d have to say [my favorite song] is ‘Carolina’ because it’s just the one that’s always stuck in my head. It’s has a little bit of everything,” Furmanek said.
All five former members of One Direction have now released solo music, leaving Directioners the choice to listen to only their favorite member or all.
“When I heard the band was splitting up and each member would be doing a solo career, I knew I’d listen to what every guy put out no matter what. I’ve listened to all of Harry’s new album and I plan to do that for each one who releases new music. I guess what I didn’t expect from all the new paths they’ve taken is how different each member’s music style is. In a way I’m just happy I now have five separate albums to listen to instead of just one,” Freckelton said.