With such a large variety of clubs to join in high school, from Anime to Super Fans, many students find their fit right away. Jacob Kozel (12), on the other hand, saw that LC did not have a club supporting the environmental issues in which he took interest. He decided to change that.
As a sophomore, Kozel wanted to begin a club that promotes environmental activism throughout the school. After sharing his idea with Mrs. Ruiz, she became his sponsor, and the Environmental Club began to take foot.
“We went to the administration in the office. They wanted to know what it would be about, and then they OKed us to start the club,” Kozel said.
As club president two years running, Kozel is in charge of scheduling and overseeing meetings, as well as arranging club activities.
Each year, the club has different fundraisers whose money normally goes toward their cleanup projects. This year, however, the students worked for a different, but equally as important, cause.
“This year, the money went to the victims of the tornadoes in southern Indiana,” Kozel said.
When he graduates this spring, Kozel will miss the time he spent with the Environmental Club but will leave knowing he left his mark on LC by creating a club focused on more than just the students.