One year and three months after the show’s initial release, season two of “Stranger Things” was released to stream on Netflix on Oct. 27. This season was heavily anticipated by fans of the science fiction series.
Set in the fictional town of Hawkins, Ind. in the fall of 1984, the first episode opens with a group of new characters who appear to be running from the police in a van. One of the women in the vehicle seems to have powers similar to those of the supernatural child known as Eleven.
Following this brief introduction, the show jumps back to the show’s main characters: Will, Mike, Dustin and Lucas. Will gives the impression that he is fine upon returning from the Upside Down. However, as shown in the last episode of season one, Will begins to have what seem to be flashbacks to his terrifying time in the Upside Down. These flashbacks progress into nightmarish episodes that progress the storyline.
As the series continues through its nine intense episodes, the viewer is constantly put on edge due to the combination of mystery and horror. The incredible actors included in this series shine through and prove just how talented they are.
To anyone who is intrigued by complex, science-fiction shows, the Stranger Things series is one for you. The two seasons are available to stream on Netflix.