On Thursday, Dec.14 and Friday, Dec. 15, Lake Central held their annual ‘De-Stress Fest’ to help students who are frantic about their finals.
Each year, dogs enter the school and students fill the hallway to play with them. Students also have the opportunity to make their own stress balls and color.
Students seem to be super excited about these activities every year. I think the idea of the De-Stress Fest is a really good way for students to take their mind off of finals for a short period of time. I, myself, am one to freak out over finals and the last few days of the semester. Playing with dogs, making stress balls and coloring are all good ways to have a little fun and not have to worry about studying for a little while.
Students can go during their lunch period to take part in these activities. I think students really enjoy this and hopefully they hold the De-Stress Fest for years to come, as it has been very popular.