On Friday, Feb. 23, AP Government students had the opportunity to meet and talk with Saint John police officers.
“We talk about the academic side of things [in class], but they do this for a living, and they can apply [our lessons] to real life situations. I wanted you guys to hear it from them. There are tons of scenarios [students] ask me, and I answer them to a degree. I feel like they can get some of the exceptions, and have them teach you how it works in the real world,” Mr. Joshua Clark, Social Studies, said.
Students listened to the officers and were free to ask questions.
“I learned that I can’t be searched for no reason. I thought the presentation was super informative, and I really enjoyed listening,” Jenna Golfis (12) said.
There was a demonstration that showed the search dog looking for drugs.
“I thought the drug search demonstration was really beneficial for us to have officers come in and discuss different situations, especially [since] we are an AP Government class,” Ashley Robinson (11) said.
Students brought up the concern of recent school shootings and how they are making improvements to the system.
“I thought it was very informative. The [lockdown] practice made me more aware of where I would hide in case of in incident like a school shooter,” Nicholas Shell (12) said.