Q: How do you prepare for competitions?
A: We start off by stretching in the morning, then doing star, which is a move where we lay down in a star position and breathe to relax. We do across the floors and model walks to get the guard energized.
Q: Do you have any traditions you and your team do?
A: We all take a Starburst before we perform. With the Starburst, we hold it between our teeth and say a chant while holding hands. We have a spirit stick that we give to one of the team members who did well that week.
Q: What does a basic practice look like?
A: We start by running, stretching across the floors and flag block. After all of that, we run through the show and fix certain parts.
Q: How many hours does your team practice each week?
A: On the weekdays, we practice for seven hours, and on Saturdays, we practice for eight hours.
Q: How many competitions do you attend per season?
A: This season we are [going to] compete at six competitions.
Q: Does it sometimes get difficult to keep your team focused?
A: Yes, because since they are all middle schoolers and friends they like to goof off a lot.
Q: Are you more of a easy-going coach or a stern/strict coach?
A: I’m more in the middle. Certain days I’m really happy and some days I have the mindset of just getting things done.
Q: How much of the show did you create yourself?
A: I’ve created the dance work in the beginning all the way into the flag feature. About 50 percent of the show, but the other coach and I will fix things throughout.
Q: How is co-coaching like?
A: Ileana and I are close. During water breaks we’ll have fun by dancing and tossing the flag around.
Q: Do you find it fun to go to practice all the time or do you dread all the hours?
A: I think it’s fun, I get excited to go to the practices.