On Tuesday evening, Aug. 28, the girls JV volleyball team went neck to neck with Crown Point. With a score of 23-25 in the second match and 18-25 in the first match, the girls never seemed to give up. They pulled through making both games closer by the second.
“We made too many errors. We should’ve controlled them. We talked about that in the huddle and you got to learn how to make less mistakes in situations,” Coach Gray said.
Most of the team believes that the game was lost mostly due to errors being made. The close game and rivalry was getting to most girls’ heads resulting in a loss.
“We played well but we missed out on a lot of opportunities and got in our heads,” Vanessa Anaya (11) said.
Although they came out with a loss the girls are putting this behind them. Several of them are looking forward to the rest of the season.
Paige Onjack (9) who is new to the teams says, “I am looking forward to playing all the different schools and being able to see how things work at higher levels.”
Come out and support your girls on Aug. 30, at 5 p.m. against Portage.