On Tuesday, Sept. 25 girls JV soccer competed against Merrillville for their 12th game of the season. Held at Merrillville High School, the lady Indians won with a final score of 8-0. In the first half, Rachel Roberts (11) kicked off the game with the first goal of the night.
“I [expected] them to play this well. The way they have progressed all year has lead up to this,” Vince Pucci said.
In the beginning of the first half, Gabrielle Murks (9) made her first goal of the season not long after Roberts. This was a proud moment for Murks that took the girls into their second point of the game, leading the score 2-0.
“This was such an important moment for me because I wasn’t always one of the good players when I started. This team has made me grow and progress so much and my first goal definitely brought my confidence up,” Murks said.
Coach Pucci was proud of the girls’ win that night. Not only was he overjoyed by the team, but there was one player in particular that left a good impression. Along with Coach being impressed by Murk, he was also proud of Riley Szostak (11), as she has improved a lot from the beginning of the season.
“With another goal adding to her total, Riley played a great game tonight as she plays four different positions,” Vince Pucci said.
Though the girls played a great game, there is always something to work on. The team felt as if they did well, but they felt the opposing team had a strong suit when it came to passing.
“[We] could have been better with connecting our passes and making our shape better. We definitely need to work on that and communication in the future,” Alexzandria Leamy (10) said.
The team found things that can be worked on together as a group and as individuals, but the girls are excited to see how they will progress as the end of the season approaches.
“I have made so many friends on the team that help me and bring my confidence up. We are all so close and that really helps us on the field. I am so glad I decided to join the this amazing team and I can’t wait for next season,” said Murks.