The girls JV basketball team played Hobart on Dec. 4 2018. The team led 31 to 9 at halftime. The Lady Indians won 51-9 against the Brickies.
“So far this season has been going pretty well. We’ve been working hard to defeat the teams we’ve beat in the DAC,” Daphne Pistello (10) said.
The Lady Indians have been working hard on improving as a team. Improving their teamwork is a step towards continuous success.
“We’ve been playing well as a team and are just looking to improve as a team,” Pistello said.
Throughout the season, the team was looking to start out strong in the beginning. Setting the standards high at the beginning of the game helps to finish with a win.
“We try to get a good lead in the beginning of the game so we set the scene for the rest of the games by working together and helping each other to learn from our mistakes,” Sarah Cunningham (10) said.
The girls look to secure their system for winning for the rest of the season. They have led a strong season so far.
“Most games, we come out in the first quarter and get a pretty good lead going into the half,” Jacqueline Kosina (10) said.
Practicing together as a team is crucial to the girls success. How they practice and communicate determines the turnout of the game.
“We work good together and everyone works hard during games and practice. During games, we come out ready to play hard and work together,” Kosina said.