The majority of the American government has been dominated by old, white males. Finally, in 2019, this dominance is beginning to change more rapidly.
After the Midterm elections in November 2018, the House of Representatives was affected by ‘Blue Wave’ voters taking on a dominance of Democrats. Out of the 435 Representatives, 102 are women, which is only 23.4% of the total amount of Representatives. These women include the first Native American female ever elected into Congress, the first Muslim female ever elected into Congress and the youngest female ever elected into Congress.
Arguably, the most recognized of the new wave of progressive representatives is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest female ever elected to Congress. Ocasio-Cortez is 29 years old, but she is not letting age slow her down despite the online ridicule she has faced from the opposite party. Right now, Ocasio-Cortez’s trademark is her Green New Deal. The plan proposes increased taxation to fund a climate change act.
It’s important for our generation to know what is going on in our government. Although the majority of high schoolers are unable to vote, there are other ways to get involved, including marches, social media outreach and just being a conscientious citizen who is gaining a basis of knowledge in preparation of voting.
Right now, the country needs every citizen to understand that they have a say in what is going on and it is their responsibility to make a difference if they want a change to happen. After all, it was the colonists who declared no taxation without representation and if the United States truly is a melting pot, then it is up to the citizens to vote in those running for Congress who truly represent the diversity in America.