As winter break of 2018 ended, students are coming back to school and showing off their new christmas presents. One popular present this year was Apple’s Airpods.
“My parents bought them for me because they always saw me struggling in the morning to find my wire earbuds, so they just bought me Airpods. It’s easier to find them now since there’s a tracker,” Brooklyn Baldin (10) said.
Some students at Lake Central aren’t a fan of Airpods. They instead like a different brand of Bluetooth earbuds, Beats.
“My parents bought me them for Christmas because they knew I listened to music constantly and knew I wanted a pair of wireless earbuds for running,” Kaity Rucinski (10) said.
Some Airpod users prefer the quality of Airpods to Beats. Some also wear them to show off during school.
“I wear them to flex and for the quality. The sound is so much better than the wire earbuds and they make my outfit look 10 times better,” Baldin said.
Some Beats users put up a strong argument against Airpods. They prefer the quality of Beats and the extra features they have.
“I like how loud the headphones let you play music. They also block out the noise around me. Unlike Airpods, which I’ve [purchased] before and since returned, I can play my music loud and no one can hear what I’m listening to. They also have a pause/play/skip button unlike Airpods,” Rucinski said.
In the end, both Airpod users and Beats users prefer the sound quality of the brand that they wear. All students have their own opinions on which Bluetooth earbuds they prefer and will wear whichever they feel has the best quality.