On Tuesday, Feb. 19, the boys JV basketball team played against Marquette Catholic. They won the game with an overall score of 60 to 25.
“We played good. The team [we were playing] was not as good but we still made mistakes. We need to fix running our offense,” Jack Mahoney (9) said.
As the season comes to a close, the Indians look back on their season.
“[The season] has been pretty good, JV and varsity have both had ups and downs but so far, we are on the up-side,” Graham Weber (10) said.
The JV players have set high standards for themselves. Going into their next few years, they have a plan of how they want it to look.
“By next year I want to start on JV and work my way up to varsity and then win Sectionals,” Jacob Zezovski (9) said.
The JV team has worked hard over the course of this season. They have been working to improve on how they work together and playing as a team.
“I learned a lot of new plays and also learned about the coaches and my teammates. [I learned what] they like to do and what position they like to play,” Kyle Nichols (10) said.
When the team wins, it helps the team to stay motivated. They work on winning each game by helping each other through the practices and the games.
“You feel great [after you win]. You go through a lot of yelling and screaming, and it is great to win. We make mistakes, [but] we help each other fix [those mistakes], “ Nichols said.