Q: What do you go to the Career Center for?
A: I do the culinary arts and hospitality program.
Q: When did you decide you wanted to go into the Career Center?
A: I decided sophomore year after we had the assembly.
Q: What do you do on a day to day basis when you go there?
A: It honestly depends. Sometimes we have kitchen days where we go in and do a recipe [and sometimes] we’ll just be studying in the books.
Q: How is this going to help you prepare for the career that you want to go into?
A: It helps better us. It give us basic skills to what we want to go into.
Q: What times do you go during school each day?
A: We go first and second hour [on blue days and] then we go fifth [hour] and PTE [on white days].
Q: What career exactly do you want to go into?
A: I want to do Pastry Arts.
Q: Are you going to do it next year?
A: Yes, I am.
Q: What’s your favorite thing you guys have done there?
A: I liked making crepes.
Q: What is your favorite thing about the Career Center in general?
A: The close bonds you develop with other students or friends.
Q: Would you recommend that people go into the Career Center?
A: Of course!
Q: What’s the most challenging thing about the Career Center or something you don’t like about it?
A: There’s not much I dislike about the Career Center. During the days we miss from school, we have to do e-learning,which is annoying.
Q: Do you miss full days of school?
A: If we have field trips.
Q: Where do you go on field trips to?
A: In May we’re going to a food show in Chicago.