Going green
Environmental Club members watch The Lorax at their meeting. They watched this to expand their knowledge about sustainability.
November 15, 2019
The Environmental Club met on Wednesday, Nov. 13, to continue their education on human environmental impacts. This meeting, they watched The Lorax to study its parallels to the real world today.
“This movie represents today’s society because it shows humans destroying trees. We need to cut back on our tree product consumption and the amount of paper and wood to build things we use,” Ashleigh Thompson (11) said.
The Environmental Club meets to help spread awareness about doing everything people can to keep the environment as healthy and sustainable as possible.
“Environmental Club raises awareness to issues and the severity of those issues. The more awareness there is, the more change there will be,” Olivia Tacke (11) said.
The club also discusses ways to keep people’s daily routines as green as possible, while also looking at the bigger picture.
“The first meeting we went around the cross country track and cleaned up litter, and we have also made posters about different environmental impacts that we got to hang up,” Makenna Delgado (11) said.
Joining this club has had a large impact on many of its members and has inspired them to take action to save the environment in their daily lives.
“Joining this club, I have more self-awareness about things like recycling more and reusing things more and just trying to reduce my overall amount of waste that I contribute to the world,” Thompson said.