Q&A: Tatum Murawski (12)
Tatum Murawski (12) makes a daily schedule to keep herself busy. Murawski has filled her quarantine with many activities to stay positive.
April 7, 2020
Q: How have you dealt with being in quarantine so far?
A: “I have been doing okay. It’s definitely a change for everyone, but I’m trying my best to make the most out of it.”
Q: What kind of schedule do you have?
A: “During the week I will make a schedule for myself to make sure I stay focused and productive. I wake up around 8-8:30 a.m. to stretch, work out, shower, eat and then do elearning. I’ve also been trying to do things I’ve been putting off, such as organizing.”
Q: Through all of this what has been the hardest struggle for you?
A: “Two things have been very hard. My boyfriend (on and off for 4/5 years) and I ended things between us. Some days it’s very difficult for me to be calm and to see the bright side of things. I feel alone a lot of the time, so I just sleep. It’s been hard especially because I can’t go and see my friends. I’ve also had issues with overeating. When I’m watching a movie or show I always grab a snack before I start, which isn’t the greatest thing to do.”
Q: What have you done to combat these struggles?
A: “I have recognized my habits and I’m working toward changing them. I zoom my friends every night and they make me very happy and give amazing advice. To help with overeating, I try to drink water if I am feeling hungry after I eat a meal, but if that doesn’t satisfy I will eat a small portion of protein-rich food. When I watch shows or movies I will try to eat a healthy snack. Life’s all about balance.”
Q: Seeing that we won’t be going back to school, how has this affected the end of your senior year?
A: “In all honesty it made me temporarily lose motivation to do my work. I figured since we aren’t going back what is the point of working hard? All of the things I’ve been looking forward to [such as commencement, prom, senior banquet] were being canceled or postponed. Why would I keep going if I didn’t have anything to work toward or to motivate me to keep going? But then I realized that I can’t give up. I’ve worked really hard throughout all of high school and I cannot stop now even if the exciting things get pushed back or rescheduled. I keep telling myself if I continue to work hard it will all be worth it in the end.”
Q: What advice would you give to fellow seniors who are still struggling to motivate themselves?
A: “It’s okay to feel the way you feel right now. It’s okay to be sad or angry or relieved even. You do not have to try to be positive right now, but try to not be negative. Feel free to do little things to make yourself happy or to distract yourself. Try working out, journaling, painting, meditating or going for walks. Trying new recipes, making things from scratch, coloring or calling a friend can create an outlet for you in all of this darkness. This tough time will pass and brighter days will come. They always do.”
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add on how to stay positive during the quarantine?
A: “Just that it’s the perfect time to do those things that you’ve been putting off or to start that new hobby you’ve always wanted to!”