The trial of the Chicago 7

This is the movie poster for The Trial of The Chicago 7. It shows Abbot Hoffman standing in front of a court of law, protesters and police on both sides of him, this poster can depict what is to come in the story.
October 20, 2020
The Trial of the Chicago 7 was released to Netflix on Oct. 16, 2020, starring actors like Eddie Redmayne and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, this film tells the story of the infamous 1969 trial of seven defendants charged by the federal government with conspiracy and more. The infamous trial happened to intimidate hippies, peace activists and black power movements in their opposition of the Vietnam war.
Writer and director, Aaron Sorkin, perfectly depicts the genres it is listed under: history, drama and legal drama. The Trial of the Chicago 7 also greatly shows the different sides of protests; in the movie there are the people that are there to actually make a change and you have people who are simply there to cause riots and chaos.
It also sheds light on the environment in the 1960s and the time of the Vietnam War. It shows how people found ways to oppose a nation wide war.
The movie also plays into the black power movement of that time, showing some of the things that happened during the 60s revolving it. the movie takes place after Martin Luther King Jr. ‘s death. Protests of the Vietnam war were very popular in the ‘60s because many people opposed the war due to the draft, so the protests at that time were in great numbers. The trial scenes of this movie are, in my opinion, very powerful, it can really show someone how much politics and corruption can go into trials. This movie, much like the real trial, dealt with a corrupt judge and a racist defense attorney. It shows as well how long trials can go for, the trial in the movie lasting a little less than five months just like it did during the actual trial. Conspiracy in trial is an agreement between two or more people to complete a crime in the future. This is what the trail scene in The Trial of the Chicago 7 heavily revolves around.
The main seven characters’ personalities are truly shown during the trial and it’s hard not to want to be on their side of things, especially when the judge seems put against them.
This movie could be heavily compared to 2020 in the light of the Black Lives Matter movement and the current protests going on which have been turned violent.
They say that history repeats itself, and this movie shows that fact very well. It shows that even then people came together to fight for something they all believed in, and it also showed that there was always going to be an opposing side.
I would rate this movie a nine out of ten, the characters personalities and the history, as well as the information you get on how political trials are chosen is worth the two hour and thirty minute watch. It would seem a lot of people would agree with me, seeing as the movie on Netflix is rated No. 3 in the world today.