Hardest Classes: Sophomore year
February 9, 2022
Making the decision on what classes to take for your next year of school can turn out to be a difficult task. Freshman year was given to you through counselors in middle school, but as you move into higher grades the opportunities seem endless. Sophomore year gives more choices to students when picking their future classes.
When I was choosing classes for my sophomore year, I had no idea what I was going to do. Trying to overload myself with honors classes and not choosing classes that I would really enjoy.
“One of the hardest classes I’ve taken this year would be AP Psychology. It’s really hard for me because honestly it just might not be for me, but it’s a lot of work sometimes. It’s really interesting though, but sometimes the stuff just never clicks for me on the test like it does in class,” Tejveer Kaur (10) said.
Not understanding parts of the class makes it really difficult to succeed. AP [advanced placement] classes teach college-curriculum to high school students, so they can receive some college credit if they pass the exam given at the end of the year. The majority of sophomores are between the ages of 15-16, so taking college level classes can become overwhelming quickly.
“With APUSH [AP U.S. history], the homework is easy but also time consuming, but the hard part is the written assignments. I simply can’t grasp them and I don’t even have the right vocabulary range to make any of my DBQ’s sound good,” Caylin Nieves (10) said.
When scheduling classes for you next year of school, it’s important to make sure you understand what you are signing up for. Experiencing new topics during your teenage years is normal, but that doesn’t mean you should force yourself into a stressful situation.
“I feel like if you can truly devote yourself to this class you’d do really good because there’s a lot of memorization,” Kaur said.