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12 Days of Destress – Day Seven
December 5, 2023
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About the Contributors

Peyton Morris, Sports Editor
Hi! I’m Peyton and this year I am a sports editor, which means I get to do sports update. This is my third year in LCTV and I plan to carry it into my future. I’m super excited for what my last season is going to bring!

Anna Herr, Editor-In-Chief and Yearbook Staffer
Hey everyone! My name is Anna Herr and I am the Co Editor-in-Chief of LCTV as well as a staffer on yearbook. This is my third year on staff for LCTV and my first year on staff for yearbook. I have found my passion for journalism through my time in Lake Central Publications and I’m super excited to see what we produce and can’t wait for the fun we will have this year!

Emily Humyak, Social Media Editor
Hi, I’m Emily! I have been in LCTV for the past three years, and I hope to continue on my passion with the class into college! I would love to work in sports media in the future, and I can’t wait to have an amazing season of LCTV.