The Student News Site of Lake Central High School

Lake Central News

The Student News Site of Lake Central High School

Lake Central News

The Student News Site of Lake Central High School

Lake Central News

Preparing For The Future

   Our girl’s track and field team had their DAC meet at Lake Central on May 7th. Although many athletes did well at DAC, some still found ways they could improve before their next meet. One of those people who found something to improve on was Nicole Vollrath (12).

   “DAC wasn’t great. I did good in the 4×8, but the mile and the two mile were not that good. I am looking forward to making it as far as I can in the mile and two mile and hopefully going to state with the 4×8 and placing high there,” Vollrath said.

   For the girls to do well at larger meets following DAC, they had to put in extra effort at their practices and spent lots of their time in high school preparing for moments like these. Vollrath explains the time she has put in for track and why she loves the sport that she does.

   “I run the 4×8, 1600, and the 3200. I’ve run the 1600 and the 3200 since freshman year and I run them simply because I do distance. Practices are fun because we don’t run a ton of mileage and I love being around my teammates,” Vollrath said.

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Gabi Arroyo
Gabi Arroyo, Echo Staffer
Hi! I'm Gabi Arroyo and I'm a sophomore. This is my first year doing publications. I'm really excited to help because I love taking photos and I've never been a part of something like this. I'm super hyped to help out with the yearbook!

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