On Sunday Feb. 10, the annual Junior Centralettes kids camp was hosted by the Centralettes at M2 dance center in Schererville. Roughly 70 kids attended the clinic and were eager to learn new dances taught by their role models.
The camp began choreography for age groups 4-years-old to third graders at 1:30 p.m. The Centralettes taught a brief jazz dance set to the song “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper. The kids practiced until it was time for them to put on a performance for their parents at 4:00 p.m.
“I love working with the little kids, it’s definitely one of my favorite parts of the season,” Lauren Skertich (12) said.
The second sessions began at 2:00 p.m. In one room, girls in fourth grade through sixth grade learned an up-beat jazz dance to the song “The Beautiful People” by Christina Aguilera, choreographed by Centralettes. In another room, girls in seventh and eighth grade attended a technique class also instructed by Centralettes.
“It was good that seventh and eighth graders came to the clinic because it will prepare them to be a part of the team next year in case they were planning on trying out,” Tari Markoski (11) said.
The day ended after dancers in the age group 4th to 6th grade performed for their dance for their parents and the varsity centralettes performed their hip-hop dance for the girls and their parents.
All of the age groups who learned a dance were invited to perform at the Lake Central Dance Invitational competition alongside the current Centralettes this Saturday Feb. 16. Overall, the Centralettes raised a lot of money that will help towards the payments of their season and also had a blast helping and teaching the young dancers.