‘Interact’-ing with teachers

Roger Kaufman (10) begins writing his letter to a teacher about the food drive. Each member was given the option of writing letters to the teacher of their choosing to ask them for their help in the food drive.

Annie Riddering and lakecentralnews

On Wednesday, Nov. 6, Interact members filed into Mr. Tom Clark’s, Social Studies, classroom to talk about student and teacher participation in the food drive.

“[We’ve already raised] somewhere over $1,000. The pumpkins are for the March of Dimes. They are a dollar per pumpkin, and we’ve sold about 713,” Brandon Cole (12) said.

Mr. Clark gave the club members an assignment to write letters to teachers urging them to get their sixth hour classes involved in the food drive by having them donate food, money and clothes. These items will then go to families in need around the community. The sixth hour that gets the most points by the end of the food drive then wins a pizza party.

“I’m planning on writing mine to Mr. [Richard] Ohlenkamp because he was my Geometry teacher, and he’s also my role model. I look up to his qualities and I think I could get him to donate more to the food drive,” Ryan Emery-Wiebe (11) said.

Food drive donations will be taken until Nov. 26. Students are able to donate these items by turning them into their teachers or to Mr. Clark in C103.