Showcasing the skills
Marketing Foundation students learn what it takes to produce and sell products.
Damon Sklivas (10) and Matthew Reyes (10) use the fake dollars to buy a product. They bought a product from a student in the Marketing Foundations class.
December 19, 2013
On Dec. 11, Mrs. Cyndi Hurley’s, Business, Marketing Foundations class partnered up with Ms. Terri Budlove’s, Business, Sports and Entertainment class in the cafeteria to show students what it really takes to be a marketing student.
Students in the Marketing Foundations class formed groups to produce products to sell to the Sports and Entertainment class. This was a second quarter project where students had to promote a brand that was unique and their own. The students had the choice to “sell” products or make a class presentation about their brand. Ms. Budlove gave her students fake money to purchase the other class’s items.
“I thought it was good for the marketing students to get a real-life experience trying to sell their products to our class. It was cool to walk around and see what everybody had to offer and what kind of ideas the students thought of,” Jack Kuehner (11) said.
The creation of this project began with watching an episode of the Great Food Truck race. Mrs. Hurley was then inspired to come up with her own “food truck” contest. Her students had to develop a logo, a menu that they had to research the pricing information for, a slogan that identified their brand and finally the “truck” itself. The objective was to promote their product so well that they will “sell” all of their samples to their customers.
“This project allowed the students to put together all of the pieces of the marketing mix, which is the basic marketing foundations. I really saw the students’ personalities on that final day. Students that participated said it was great way to showcase their own marketing skills,” Mrs. Hurley said about the overall result of this project.
This was the first trial for the project. Students had the ability to show their creativity and have fun while still being in class.