AP: Attending presentations
A Gavit student goes to the podium to receive his prize from Mr. Sean Begley. If students attended all four presentations before lunch, their card was entered into a drawing for a chance to win a variety of prizes ranging from gift cards to backpacks.
April 14, 2014
Students from Lake Central, Hammond and Gavit high schools gathered together in the LC lunchroom Saturday, April 5, morning to eat and socialize before heading to classes that would prepare them for upcoming AP tests in May.
“By having students come, it gives them a lot of time to develop the skills needed to write an effective essay,” Mr. Jacob Adams, English speaker, said, “Those who come in multiple times get to practice more and the more practice, the better students will perform. Practice makes perfect.”
However, Mr. Jeff Rhody, Science, who teaches AP Physics, feels that some schools may have benefited more from the conference than others.
“I feel like having to be with another school, who may not be on the same schedule as us, sometimes helps them and not us and vice versa,” Mr. Rhody said.
Two conferences were held at Gavit, the last was held on Lake Central’s grounds. Eric Gonsiorowski (11) only attended one of the three conferences that were held, but he suggests going.
“I went to the last AP conference, but I feel [Mr. Christopher Engel, English] did more than a good job of preparing us for the AP test. The conference was worth going to because they reminded me of some things I forgot. I recommend going to more than one, because if I had, I feel I would have learned more,” Gonsiorowski said.