This past weekend, the JV Cheerleaders ranked in the top five at their State Competition. The team, despite last minute issues, was able to place fifth in their division, beating out their personal rival, Crown Point.
Prior to the competition on Saturday, the team, unfortunately, lost a teammate. Alyssa Alfano (9) was unable to participate in the competition on Saturday due to health problems that were recently diagnosed. However, Alfano was able to come and support her teammates from the stands.
“It felt really different sitting with the coaches [and] watching. I wish I would have been able to compete, but I think the girls did really well. They made me proud,” Alfano said.
The loss of Alfano required the team and the coaches to work together to change the routine: filling in spots, changing formations and making new stunt groups.
“I think they handled all of the last minute changes really well, but I could tell that some of them were really overwhelmed with everything, but I understand how stressful that was for them,” Alfano said.
The JV Cheerleaders will travel to their next competition in November. Until then the team will be practicing to improve its routine and prepare for the competition that lies ahead.