On Oct. 13, members of N-Teens met in the cafeteria to discuss Winter Formal, volunteer opportunities and new officers. Madeline Hirschfield (12) and Cassidy Niewiadomski (12) are the Winter Formal chairs. Alexis Wilkes (11) and Frances Kornelik (11) are the Winter Formal chair assistants.
“As winter formal chair assistants [Kornelik] and I are supposed to help [Hirschfield] and [Niewiadomski] plan Formal. We’re sort of shadowing them so then next year we can be in charge and we’ll know what to do,” Wilkes said.
N-Teens is in charge of the Winter Formal dance each year, and members are in charge of planning, decorating and seeing the dance through.
“[N-Teens plans] the whole dance. The Winter Formal committee is in charge of everything from picking the theme to the music and decorations and ticket sales,” Wilkes said.
N-Teens is a great opportunity to get involved in the community and gain service hours. Members can sign up to volunteer in different events or programs throughout Lake County. The next meeting is on Oct. 27. If cannot attend, contact Mrs. Kelsey Becich, English, in room C114.