On Thursday, Oct.15, Dollars for Scholars met for their second meeting of the school year. The meeting was mainly focused on volunteering for upcoming events.
“We have monthly student meetings where we go over upcoming volunteering opportunities around the school and community. Around this time of the year the Peifer Elementary School has the Boo Bash that we help out in. We also do the Carson’s Days every year in the fall and spring. The volunteer opportunities vary year to year so that’s why we have these meetings to update the students.” Ms. Ashley KIine, Guidance, said.
Dollars for Scholars gives students an opportunity to help around the community and earn scholarships for their upcoming college years.
“I’m really excited to go to college, so getting scholarships is really important to me, and I think it’s pretty cool that volunteering around your community can help you get money for college,” Kelly Joy (11) said.
The next Dollars for Scholars meeting is Nov.19 after school in the LGI.