With deadlines and due dates quickly approaching, many students find themselves drowning in various school responsibilities. Even when struggling for a breath of air beneath the drowning waves of schoolwork, there are tips and tricks to help a student stay afloat.
- Set goals. Goals lead students toward the direction of where he or she wants to move. Goal making is essential because goals establish the foundation for the future, whether it is just for a week or into next year.
- Prioritize. Prioritize what is most important according to the final objective. Make a list of which classes or extracurriculars are most important. Based on this list, decide how to allocate time properly.
- Make sacrifices. Based on the priority list, decide what can cut out and what is essential to stay focused on and come out on top.
- Get organized. There are various tools that can help a student navigate their way through school. An agenda or daily planner is essential in school survival. In an agenda, note upcoming tests and deadlines. Keeping these dates in mind will help reduce the drowning feeling.
- Enter environments with positive influences. Analyze surrounding influences. Are they motivating factors? When surrounded by positive influences, the responsibilities of school become less burdening and more accomplishable.
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