Q: How long have you been riding horses?
A: [I have been riding horses for] three years.
Q: How did you learn to ride?
A: I rode with my friends for awhile, and now I have a trainer [who] teaches me.
Q: What is your favorite thing about riding?
A: [My favorite aspect of riding is] the horse and bonding with him.
Q: What is the horse’s name?
A: [His name is] Hunter.
Q: What is your favorite memory of riding?
A: My first fair I won Reserve Champion, and [at that time] had only been riding for three months.
Q: Do you have your own horses?
A: I lease him, so technically he’s not mine but I’m the only person [who] rides him.
Q: Do you do shows or competitions and if so when was the first time?
A: Yes, my first show was at a place called Happy Now [Barnstable Comedy Club] a couple years ago.
Q: How many shows have you done?
A: [I have done] four [shows], but I’m going to start showing a lot more.
Q: How old were you the first time you rode a horse?
A: [I was] 12 years old.
Q: Why did you want to start riding?
A: I really liked being outside, and I really liked horses, but I did not know if I wanted to get on one until I did.
Q: How important is riding horses to you?
A: [Riding horses is] basically my entire life besides school.