When March 8 marked International Women’s Day, the Internet exploded with tweets empowering women from all walks of life, and numerous girls from LC tweeted with the hashtag #IWD2016 to spread the positivity.
“The oppression of women from centuries ago was sad to learn about in school. In some of my classes, we talked about International Women’s Day, and it is nice to know that women now get recognition for the work that we do,” Kaylie Katsiris (9) said.
A major focus of International Women’s Day was the strength of women, both emotionally and physically.
“Typically, women aren’t seen as strong, so it was great to see our strength being talked about on social media,” Katsiris said.
Another topic that was widely discussed on Twitter during International Women’s Day was Kim Kardashian’s recent nude selfie. Most students agree that Kardashian’s selfie was spreading body positivity and is helping eliminate the stigma around the female body.
“I think [Kardashian’s selfie] is totally fine. She chose to take it and if she feels comfortable with doing that, then we have no reason to bash her for loving her body,” Katsiris said.