N-teens held its first meeting of the month on Tuesday, March 8. The meeting mainly focused on upcoming volunteering opportunities.
“We talked about different places we can volunteer, and we’re planning on getting together some days after school to write thank you letters to teachers who helped out at Winter Formal,” Anni Rajput (10) said.
Being able to volunteer at different events and charities is not only a benefit for the people receiving the help, but for N-teens’ members as well.
“[I joined N-teens because] I think it’s interesting, and I kind of wanted to do it because it’s good for college applications because you’re helping people and helping charities, and you can help out with the school,” Daryn McElroy (10) said.
With spring right around the corner, more volunteer opportunities have opened up for the members.
“I’m looking forward to when the weather gets nicer [because] there tends to be a few more volunteer opportunities; kids get to have a lot of fun at different events that are taking place. We do a end of the year Six Flags trip for all of the members [who] completed their hours and, if they’re able to go, [it’s] usually a really fun time,” Mrs. Kelsey Becich, English, said.