On March 31, Apple brought out the iPhone SE. Like their other models, the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, it has A9 technology, a 12-megapixel iSight camera and 4k video. The biggest difference is the size. With a 4-inch display, the iPhone SE is 1.5 inches smaller than the iPhone 6S and 7 inches smaller than the iPhone 6.
“I think it will be cheaper for the people who can’t afford the iPhone 6,” Athena Gerodemos (9) said.
The iPhone SE’s starting price is $399 for 16GB while the 6S Plus starts at $649 for 16GB.
Unlike the 6S and the 6, which both come with the option of 16, 64 or 128 GB, the SE only comes in 16 and 64 GB.
“I think it would be more convenient so you don’t look like you have an iPad in your back pocket. It’s more comfortable and won’t break as easily because its smaller,” Isaac Beatty (9) said.
Apple has brought back the design of the 5S, which is much smaller than the second to latest design. SE comes in all of the new colors: gray, silver, gold and rose gold, but did not get the 3D touch feature like its counterpart.