Dollars for Scholars announced next year’s officers on Thursday, April 14. Many students applied for a position, but only four were chosen.
“[I applied for a position] because I wanted a leadership position. I’m an outgoing person and I like helping out people and the community through all these volunteer events Dollars for Scholars does, [like] helping out the seniors who need scholarships for college,” Payal Bhatt (11) said.
In order to create a fair way of choosing next year’s candidates, Mrs. Ashley Kline, Guidance, came up with a system that worked reasonably.
“We collected all the names, and I called all four of the current board members down individually, so they didn’t know who chose who. Then, they chose who they thought would be the best [candidates],” Mrs. Kline said.
With this school year ending, officers are looking forward to what next year will bring.
“I’m looking forward to meeting new people, seeing what the next year is going to offer [and] all the new people that are going to join. [I’m also looking forward to] seeing what we can do to the club and how we can improve it,” Bhatt said.