This year, Lake Central has set up an Intramural volleyball league for students to play in during after school hours. Intramurals are recreational sports organized within a particular institution, usually an educational institution, or a set geographic area.
“I thought it was a great time to get out with some friends and family and play some fun volleyball,” Maxwell Rosenbaum said. (10)
Students got to pick their own teams and team names, then split a cost of $120 dollars between all the players to participate. Teams could have four to 14 players.
“I would absolutely recommend this to people because it’s a really fun thing to do and to get together with people and you can just have fun with it,” Alexa Sherlund said. (10)
Lake Central is planning on continuing this throughout the year with different sports such as football, ultimate frisbee and much more.
I think this would be a good experience for everyone to do and just come out to have fun,” Matthew Fundich said. (10)
During these games students come together as one, pushing each other to do their best and work as a team to come out on top.
“If i had to describe my team in one word it would be dedicated because we’re always ready to play, we always have team spirit and keeping each other up i’ve never seen more energy on a court,” Alexa Sherlund said.