After school on Nov. 16, the students in Sophomore Class Cabinet were faced with the decision of who will lead the Class of 2019.
“We’re going to do a ballot to see who is going to become the vice president, president, [secretary and treasurer],” Katelin Cunningham (10) said.
At first, students were wary of running for a position, but Ms. Stephanie Sivak, English, gave the club a pep talk to get them excited. This resulted in every student at the meeting signing up to run for at least one position in the club.
“[I’m running for] president and VP. I’m hoping that it will help me further myself in school,” Kylie Diviney (10) said.
By the end of the meeting, many of the students were more confident that they could do well as an officer.
“I am running for secretary and vice president. I think I’ll help the club by giving a lot of new, creative ideas and help out the community with other volunteer work,” Cunningham said.
Along with voting for officers, students are about to start an Angel Tree project.
“For the Angel Tree, we adopt an angel from Student Council, and we’ll take donations as a club. Then, in the club’s name, we’ll donate the items to school council, then we’ll deliver it to a family in need,” Ms. Sivak said.
The next meeting will be on Nov. 30, and the students will vote for president, vice president, treasurer and secretary.